Evaldas Kazlauskas

Evaldas Kazlauskas

Evaldas’ background is a perfect mix of AML/CFT compliance, business intelligence and data analysis. Over the years he has worked and gained knowledge with companies such as Western Union, Barclays and Swedbank. He was responsible for delivering various reports and KPIs for Western Union’s AML compliance operations, developed reports and scorecards for Barclays and was responsible for developing and maintaining Swedbank’s AML platform.

About the author

AMLYZE is a fully automated service created for the financial sector and businesses that are obliged to comply with AML/CFT regulations.


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    It doesn’t matter whether you are interested in a complete end-to-end AML/CFT solution or just a single module from our range. We can help.

    Experience up to a 62% reduction in false positives

    Benefit from a library of over 400 risk rules

    Complete investigations in 3x less time than manually

    Save up to 3 hours per STRs/SARs filing

    Access a library of over 200 pre-defined scenarios