AML Investigations
Our intelligent solutions help businesses allocate financial crime prevention resources effectively across the organisation. By streamlining alerting, case management, and automating pre-filing of Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) and Cash Transaction Reports (CTRs), we ease the burden of compliance. Prioritise and resolve high-risk cases in a timely manner, efficiently manage backlogs, and easily access information on interlinked customers. Enjoy easy role and case queue management, a full audit trail, and automated reporting to increase productivity and ensure smooth compliance.
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we solve
Stay ahead of the rising curve of fraud, money laundering, and other financial crimes with our efficient financial crime alerting and case management tools. Our solution enhances human intervention by automating tasks, creating statistical dashboards and tracking process flow, enabling more efficient and targeted decision-making in complex cases.
Why us?

Experience faster and cleaner decision-making and reporting with our consolidated dashboard. Monitor transaction monitoring alerts and case statistics, track case status, investigate time, and analyse patterns and trends in investigator activity. Effectively manage backlogs, increase investigator productivity, and ensure timely transfer of information to financial intelligence units.
Consolidate data from different internal sources and provide easy access to relevant information for all AML investigators. Real-time notifications on pending cases and the ability to escalate investigation results internally facilitate timely action. Assign tasks to specific personnel, effectively managing the AML investigation workflow.

Automatically pre-fill Suspicious Activity/Transaction Reports (SARs/STRs) directly from the case management module, enhancing efficiency. Minimise manual filing with automatically filled client and counterparty information. Customise our solution to meet local regulatory requirements and your specific needs. Ease your reporting burden with automatically filed CTRs, supporting local financial intelligence units in their investigations.
Protect your organization
Why request a demo?
AML investigation is the process of gathering facts and information to determine the validity of alerts regarding potential illegal activity. These alerts typically come from online or retrospective transaction monitoring systems, or are triggered by customer due diligence processes. The process aims to determine whether the flagged transaction is legitimate and supported by a valid business rationale, or raises further suspicion of potential illegal activity.
An AML investigation examines data, information and links to associated parties. The results of this investigation can provide valuable assistance to law enforcement agencies in their efforts to freeze illegally obtained assets.
Automated AML investigation solutions help organisations to separate genuine suspicious activity from false positives, ensuring that further appropriate action is taken to effectively combat financial crime.
The objective of the internal investigation is to confirm or deny the initial suspicion of possible ML/TF or other illegal activity. It involves analysing the customer’s past activities, gathering additional information on the source of funds and assets, the purpose of a particular transaction, associated counterparties, etc. If suspicions are confirmed, the ultimate goal is to prepare a high quality Suspicious Transaction Report (STR) or Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) that enables financial intelligence units (FIUs) and law enforcement agencies to effectively pursue criminal investigations and freeze assets derived from criminal activity. Automated solutions enable companies to efficiently conduct internal investigations, reject false leads and confirm the real ones, and quickly provide financial intelligence units with all the necessary information about potential illegal activity.
Our platform supports several tools for efficient workflow management:
- Task assignment capabilities help you assign and track tasks throughout the investigation process;
- Task tracking tools provide visibility into the status of AML investigations, helping you to track pending cases and analyse the time taken to complete AML investigations;
- Standardised alert closure classifiers and notes and comments workspaces within case management will help to further analyse the effectiveness of monitoring rules and examine trends of certain typologies, as well as track the quality of investigations and support information sharing across the organisation;
- Document management capabilities will allow users to upload, store and share supporting documentation, information about specific clients and it’s activities;
- Comprehensive analytics will help you track and analyse specific trends within workflows and risk indicators for informed decision making and continuous improvement.
Automatic pre-filing of SAR (Suspicious Activity Report) and STR (Suspicious Transaction Report) is one of our modules. If the AML investigation confirms the suspicion of ML/TF or other criminal activity, the module automatically prefills the relevant data (on transaction details and customer information) to streamline the reporting process to the local Financial Intelligence Unit.
The process will not override the manual decision to submit the STR/SAR, but the automation of pre-filling certain details of AML investigative information will help AML investigators or MLROs to focus on analysing suspicious activity/transactions, verifying the pre-filled information and providing additional details where necessary. This improves the overall quality and accuracy of STRs/SARs.